Labor and Migration Law

Westside provides its clients with legal advice on various issues in the area of labor and migration law. Well-formed personnel structure, labor and organizational relationships have direct influence on business stability and efficiency. The firm’s lawyers provide legal advice on all aspects of labor and migration law, helping clients to settle issues connected with relationships between a company and its employees as well as state authorities.

Services offered:

  • Carrying out of HR audit of companies and elaboration of recommendations for mitigation of risks;
  • Drafting labor agreements and internal documentation of companies regulating labor relationships;
  • Elaborating of recommendations for termination of labor relationships at minimum risk for the client;
  • Legal support for obtaining of approvals for foreign employees of the companies and their relatives, including:

    • work permits, in particular for highly qualified specialists;
    • permits for engagement foreign employees;
    • work visas;
    • migration registration, etc.

  • Migration audit of the companies for the purposes of determination of possible risks and elaboration of recommendations for the elimination thereof;
  • Legal advice on the matters of mitigation of risks connected with the breach of migration laws;
  • Representation of the clients’ interests in courts of all instances in case of labor disputes.